
Herr Montag works and lives in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany. This small website is dedicated to this topic. If you have an interest in it, please continue reading. You can contact me via mail or through my channels.

I started blogging in 2002 using software called b2evolution (Link) and changed then to wordpress, just to explore how this newly established Web2.0 functions. However, my journey with web development began back in 1998 when I created my first website, experimenting with HTML and FTP as I learned along the way. Nowadays, I enjoy vintage computing, writing short poems, and taking photographs. I also appreciate listening to vinyl records and cycling.

Herr Montag lässt einen Stein über den Königsee springen
Herr Montag lässt einen Stein über den Königsee springen

FACTS: Erfurt ∙ Thuringia ∙ ÖD ∙ e-learning ∙ eTeach ∙ Hochschule ∙ Rennrad ∙ born 1982 ∙ 197 cm ∙ Music ∙ Wine ∙ Schallplatten ∙ Vintage Computing ∙ Web ∙ Forest ∙ Poems

ENTITIESBluesky ∙ Twitter ∙ Mastodon ∙ Schallplatten ∙ just pictures ∙ Spotify ∙ Tech Stuff ∙ Vintage Website

On this website I use the famous Attila theme from Berlin based designer Peter Amende. It is fucking great.

Made with HTMLCSS and LOVE; definitely now with PHP, nodejs and myself.

(C): All content, even lyrics and pictures, created by me: Jan Montag ∙ 2018 ∙ 2019 ∙ 2020 ∙ 2021 ∙ 2022 ∙ 2023 & 2024

~ Mondwärts Sonnentau - Writers make love to their demons ~

* * * Impressum | Go Away * * *

(C): All content, even lyrics and pictures, created by me: Jan Montag ∙ 2018 ∙ 2019 ∙ 2020 ∙ 2021 ∙ 2022 ∙ 2023 & 2024

~ Mondwärts Sonnentau - Writers make love to their demons ~